remedies from the past & the future

Charging your life energy!

We are a small family driven manufacturer of
natural remedies, forgotten formulas, and wonderful supplements.


Powerplant makes high-quality, limited quantity, holistic products completely free of artificial additives or chemical treatments - so you can stay healthy. All our formulas are hand-made from pristine ingredients and have been used with great success for ourselves, our three children, and our partners at the Sana Maresia holistic clinic in Portugal.

Silver formulas

Silver has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes by the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Indians, and Chinese healers.Our 50ppm Colloidal Silver is made from steam-distilled, shungite purified, fresh mountain water and 99.999% pure silver. It develops a sovereign antimicrobial activity to support your immune system and is a natural helper for humans, animals and plants. Want to learn how to utilize it? Join us on WhatsApp.